AMS360 Primary Contact Data Mapping

How Fuse determines which name, email address, and other details to use for the "Primary Contact" in an Account.

AMS360 can store your customers’ basic contact information—such as names, emails, phone numbers, and addresses—in various places.

The primary purpose of Fuse is to automate and facilitate meaningful communication with your customers, so it’s very important for Fuse to import a name, email address, and other pieces of contact info that are the most likely to belong to, or be able to connect with, the primary contact person on each account.

So, how can you enter these details in AMS360 to ensure the best possible results in Fuse?

The easiest way to ensure that Fuse has the best possible “Primary Contact” details is to store them all in AMS360’s Customer Detail screen.

Beyond that, if any important fields are left empty on the Customer Detail screen, Fuse will still attempt to get them from a Contact if there is one or from a Dependent if there aren’t any Contacts.

Complete Primary Contact Mapping Logic

Basic contact info for the Primary Contact includes fields like:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Name (aka “Account Name”)
  • Email
  • Cellphone
  • Address fields (Address 1, Address 2, City, State, ZIP)
  • Company Name (aka “Firm Name” - applies to Commercial Lines accounts only) 

To find the best possible values for all of these fields, Fuse uses the following logic:

  1. First, Fuse tries to get all of these values from the Customer Detail screen.
  2. If any of these fields are still empty, then Fuse tries to get it from a Contact record in this way:
    1. Fuse sorts the account’s “Contacts” based on their AMS360 “Display Order” (for reference, this field appears in the background data as “SortOrder”)
    2. Then Fuse finds the first Contact in that sorted list and gets all missing field values possible from that Contact.
    3. If any fields are still empty, they will be left empty in Fuse.
  3. If the account has no Contacts to fallback to, Fuse will only then try to get the missing values from a Dependent in this way…
    1. Dependents do not have a "Sort order" in AMS360, so in the rare case that Fuse reaches this level of fallback logic, Fuse will randomly select a Dependent and try to get missing field values from it.
    2. If any fields are still empty, they will be left empty in Fuse.

Helpful Tips:

  • In AMS360, Contacts do not have separate First Name and Last Name fields. So, if Fuse needs to get the First and Last Name from a Contact, it does so by splitting apart the Contact’s “Name" value wherever the first space is. Everything before that space becomes the First Name, and everything after that space becomes the Last Name.
  • You can manually set and change the Display Order of Contacts in AMS360. So, if you want Fuse to pull missing fields from a different Contact than the one it’s using, just change the Display Order of that Contact to #1 in AMS360 and refresh the account in Fuse.
  • If you only want Fuse to get primary contact details from AMS360’s Customer Detail screen, and never from anywhere else, Fuse can do this, too! Simply contact our support team and request that we “disable the primary contact fallback mapping” for your AMS360 list. We can usually fulfill this request within 1-2 business days.