How to Set Up a Website Form and Follow-Up Campaign

This article outlines how to launch a website form and a follow-up sequence in Fuse.

Are you looking to set up a website form and follow-up campaign? In this article we will be covering the following:

Selecting the Website Form

First, navigate to your Content Library by clicking on "Content Library" in the left navigation bar:

In the Content Library, scroll down until you locate the Forms and Form Follow-Up items:

Customizing the Website Form

Click "Customize" on the campaign you would like to set up:

Next, you'll want to customize the form by selecting "View/Edit" on the form:

To edit the form, you'll want to hover over the form and click "Edit Your Form" to be taken to the form builder:

The form builder is where you can:

  • Add additional fields to your form. You can see they are categorized by the most popular fields as well as added generic fields that you can customize.

    Note: It is always good to remember that less is more when adding fields to a form. Having more than five fields on any form can drop your conversion rate drastically.  

  • Remove fields by clicking on the field you want to remove, selecting the trash can, and then selecting delete:

  • Edit existing fields by clicking on the field and changing the description and whether that field is required:

  • You can edit the submission button text, confirmation text (this is what is displayed on the web page after the form is submitted), or you can redirect a thank you landing page if you have one created. You can also determine lead ownership of the form which means that person by default will receive the follow-up email after submission.

Once you're done editing your form, you can hit "Preview" to see how the form is going to be displayed. Once you're done viewing your form you can hit the "Done" button. 

Setting up a Website Form Follow-Up Campaign

Next, select the "Follow-Up" tab. This is where you can review and edit the "Thank You" email that's sent to the customer and the internal follow-up email. 

Under the form follow-up sequence, select "View":

Select the pencil icon next to the title of the first email to start editing:

Once you've finished editing the email, select the "Save & Preview" button in the upper left corner to preview your email:

You can then select "Done" to save your changes:

Now, let's edit the second email in the sequence. This is the internal email sent after the customer has submitted their form responses. You'll want to add the correct merge fields that will pull the correct data from the form after it has been submitted.

In this example, we are pulling data from the fields above: first name, last name, cell phone, email, and notes / best time to call.

Launching Your Website Form

Once you have finished editing the internal email, you may want to embed the form onto your website. However, before you can embed the form you'll need to launch your form by clicking "Launch" on the bottom right corner:

Review your changes, and click "Go Live" to launch your form!

Embedding the Form on Your Website

Please make sure to launch your form in order to make the form live. Your form will not show up on your website until the form is launched.

In order to get the form embed code, return to the form sequence page and select the tab labeled "Embed":

Here, if you click "Get Embed Code," you'll be given a few customization options and an option to redirect to a specific web page after someone has completed and submitted the form. 


Note: If you haven't launched your form yet, you will see the yellow highlighted alert. Remember to launch your form or it will not show up on your website!

After you've completed your customizations, click "Done." You can then click "Copy This" to copy the embed code:

If you have access to modifying your website, you'll want to place this embed code in the appropriate area you would like the form to reside in.

If you do not have access to modifying your website, you'll want to email this embed code to your website developer and they should be able to add it to your website.