The video component makes it easy to share videos in your email
What this component does
This component makes it easy to create a compelling link to a video. We support Wistia and YouTube videos at this time. YouTube is full of great insurance and protection related content. YouTube also makes it easy to add your own content to your own channel. So easy you can do it directly from your phone!
How to add a video to your email
To use this component, first, click on the Video Component icon in the Email Builder:

A dialog will open up asking for your YouTube or Wistia URL. Copy and paste the URL here. It needs to be copied from the source - not from a site that hosts remotely. (If you are viewing a remote YouTube video, click on the YouTube icon in the video to access the URL directly on YouTube itself.)

After pasting the URL you can see the preview of the video. We will embed this in your email. When a user clicks on your sent email they will be redirected to view this on YouTube or Wistia.

We will render the image in your email - and link it to the video. Both the mobile and desktop versions of your email will be responsive to the video link.
Can I add videos from other sources?
Yes, but not with the Video Component. Click here to learn how to add a video from a different source!