Email Fallback Values & Fallback Merge Fields

When there is no value for a merge field, have a fallback field!

What Is a Fallback Value and How Do I Use It?

Merge fields in the email builder can be used to insert personal data from the customer into the email. If there is no value for the merge field, a fallback value allows you to replace the empty value with an alternate value.

For example, the merge field here is Account>First Name:

If you do not have a first name for the account, you can use a fallback value to replace the empty value. To do this, click on the token and a dialog pop-up will appear where you can enter the fallback value. In this example, if there is no first name for the account it will default to: Hello there:

Falling Back to Other Merge Fields

What if you want to fallback to another merge field value? We support that as well! Just enter the merge field code into the fallback field, and we will merge in the value, should it exist.

Here are some common examples:

  • {{account.companyName}}
  • {{}}
  • {{account.firstName}}
  • {{account.lastName}}

If there is another value that you need but cannot find, just chat us and we will help you get the correct field!