Overview of the security of your data transfers and data storage on Fuse, customer information privacy, and legal compliance, etc.
Agency Revolution Protects You and Your Customers
At Agency Revolution, we take your data security seriously. We understand we're not only protecting our own reputation and business but yours as well!
As such, we stay up-to-date and legally compliant with all relevant laws and best practices to the best of our knowledge.
Here are the answers to a few of the most common security questions we get:
Q. Is it safe to transfer and store my customer data on the Fuse system?
A. Yes. If you'd like a complete overview of our security practices & protocols please contact sales or support to request our latest documentation (since laws & best practices change over time, we'd rather personally give you our most recent documentation instead of leaving an old version here in our help center)
Q. Is Fuse in compliance with New York Financial Services Cyber Security laws?
A. Yes. For more information, please see: New York Financial Services Cyber Security Compliance
Q. Does Fuse store my customer data in the cloud? Is the cloud-based in Canada?
A. Yes, data is stored on the cloud. No, it is not based in Canada. But rest easy! This is 100% in compliance with Canadian law.
"The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) does not prohibit cloud computing, even when the cloud provider is in another country." *
* (Quote source: Frequently asked questions about cloud computing - Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada)
Q. Will I be transferring data across international borders?
A. Yes. But again, rest easy! This is 100% in compliance with Canadian law.
The relevant law simply requires that you use "contractual or other means to provide a comparable level of protection" ** of the data while in possession of a 3rd party (such as Agency Revolution).
As a client, you have a contract with us, so that part is covered.
More specifically, a " 'comparable level of protection' means that the third party processor (such as Agency Revolution) must provide protection that can be compared to the level of protection the personal information would receive if it had not been transferred." **
We also have this covered. If you have any further questions about our security measures, please contact sales or support and request our latest data security documentation (since laws & best practices change over time, we'd rather personally give you our most recent documentation instead of leaving an old version here in our help center).
* (Quote source: Guidelines for Processing Personal Data Across Borders - Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada)
Need additional information or documentation? You can email our Director of Information Security, Gabriel Cooper, at gabriel.cooper@fmgsuite.com