If you're using a Zapier step, read this to learn how to setup the connection correctly
Zapier is an amazing tool to connect your Fuse Campaigns to the world of third-party apps. Zapier has the ability to bridge connections to thousands of apps, from text messaging services to third-party CRMs and sales software, to anything custom that exposes an API.
Agency Revolution's Zapier integration allows you to push data out of Fuse, into Zapier, which can then bridge that data to other third-parties. There is no way to push data from third parties into Fuse at this time.
Getting Started
Navigate to a Fuse Custom Campaign and click "Add Step" > "Add Zapier Step"
One Time Setup
If you've never connected to Zapier, you'll see a message informing you to connect. If you have connected, you can skip ahead.
The first time you connect, you'll need to click on the link to activate your Zap.
That link will bring you to Zapier. You'll see this screen and have an opportunity to connect to Agency Revolution.
Building Your Zap
Next, you'll create a new Zap in Zapier. You'll start by searching for Agency Revolution. From here, you'll need to follow the normal process of linking the Agency Revolution Fuse system to your favorite Zapier connection.
What's Next
After you've built your Zap, launch your Fuse campaign. As new people are added to your sequence, they'll fire the Zap step at the right moment.