Postcard Statistics

Looking to view your postcard statistics? Easy!

First, navigate to your Accounts page by clicking "Accounts" on your left navigation bar:

Next, click "Broadcasts" on the top right:

In the left navigation menu, select "Sent" and then select the postcard that you would like to view the statistics on:

A typical postcard statistics view looks like this:

Here is a breakdown of what the statistic categories mean:

  • Targeted: Total number of recipients targeted with postcards.

  • Invalid Address: Percent of the total with invalid addresses detected by our Postcard vendor. You are not charged for these.

  • In Transit: Percent of the total that is currently in transit to the local city.

  • For Delivery: Percent of total postcards that have been greenlit for delivery at the recipient's nearest postal facility. The mailpiece should reach the mailbox within 1 to 2 business days of this scan event.

  • In Local Area: Percent of the total that is in the local area.

  • Re-Routed: Percent of the total re-routed due to a change of address

  • Returned: Percent of the total returned to the sender.

  • Canceled: Percent of the total postcards canceled before being sent to the Postcard vendor. This happens if you are pending payment, and instead of paying for the postcards you choose to cancel them. You are not charged for these.


Are the statistics 100% accurate?
They are good but not perfect. The statistics are completely accurate until we hand off to the USPS. At that point, we depend on the 500,000+ employees of the USPS to accurately scan and report their data. 

Why don't the values add up to 100%?
The values mark how many people have hit specific stages. A postcard is likely delivered (or within 1-2 days) if it is either In Local Area or Processed For Delivery We have seen missing scans for some stages, but this is due to the USPS. We carry the data from them over to our system.

Why is there no "Delivered" status?
Postcards are delivered first class mail via the USPS. To know exactly if a postcard has been delivered would require certified mail, which is cost-prohibitive.

What am I charged for?
Any postcard that has a valid address and has been handed off to the USPS. (All except Canceled and Invalid.)