How Does it Work?
EZLynx integration works by sending a series of EZLynx Reports to a specific email address provided on your Fuse integration setup page.
EZLynx restricts scheduled reports to a small date range, so to get more of your customer data into Fuse as a starting point, there are two parts to your integration setup:
Baseline Sync: Manually export each report with five years worth of data and personally email those reports to Fuse.
Ongoing Sync: Schedule each report so that EZLynx automatically emails Fuse on a nightly basis with a rolling 12-month date range.
The fastest way to do this is to complete both steps for the first report, then both steps for the second report, and so-on for all reports.
What reports are needed?
There are three required reports, plus one optional report that facilitates Referral Triggers. You will repeat the process for each report. The report type and configuration guidelines for each report are provided under the Reports and Filter Settings section of this article below.
File Size Limits
EZLynx can automatically email scheduled reports under 12 MB. If a scheduled report produces a file over that size, it will fail to run. This is most likely to affect the Applicant Master or Policy Master report since they contain the most data. These approximate limits should keep your files under the EZLynx file size limit:
Report |
Limit (approximate) |
Applicant Master |
21,000 Contacts (Including “Insureds” and “Co-Applicants”) |
Policy Master |
20,000 Policies |
Basic Setup Steps
Follow both the Baseline Sync and Ongoing Sync steps below for each report. (A complete list of supported reports with configuration guidelines can be found under Reports and Filter Settings after the basic setup steps below.)
Baseline Sync
Set up the report with the appropriate filter selections.
Manually export it as a CSV.
Email the resulting CSV file to the email address found on your integration setup page in Fuse. (How to find this email address)
Save the report in EZLynx by clicking the save icon. When saving, add “Fuse” to the report name so you can easily find it in the future, and set the Date Range to “Rolling 12 Months”. For example:
Ongoing Sync
Under EZLynx’s “Saved Reports” section, locate the report, click the 3-dot menu in its upper-right corner, and click “Schedule.”
In the “Schedule Report” popup window, enter:
Scheduled Report Name: Copy the Saved Report Name
Recipient Email: Paste in the email address from your Fuse sync setup page (How to find this email address)
Report Format: CSV
Frequency: Daily
Run On: Today’s date, at a time of day shortly after your regular daily business hours.
Perform the steps above for each of the reports below, using the filter settings described in the next section.
Policy Transaction Master Report
You can use Fuse to detect certain Trigger Points (Events) for your customers with even greater accuracy. This eliminates the chance of any mistaken "Lost Policy", "Lost Customer", "New Policy" or "New Customer" events from occurring when a customer renews a policy.
Click here to learn how to setup a Policy Transaction Master Report.
Report & Filter Settings
Generally speaking, all filters on all reports should be set to “Select All” unless otherwise indicated below. If needed, you can deselect Branches or Agents whose data you do not want in Fuse. However, this is not necessary. You can also segment and filter your data once it’s in Fuse.
EZLynx allows you to include up to 5 years of data. To make this work, when configuring your date range, the end date must be set to today’s date, and the start date needs to be five years ago, but with the calendar date one day later than today (for example, if today is 4/10/2022, the Start Date needs to be 4/11/2017).
Applicant Master (Required)
Important notes:
Use “Last Modified Date” and set the dates to a range covering the past five years.
Set all other filters to “Select All.”
Policy Master (Required)
Important Notes:
Set “Date Select” to “No Date Filter” and don’t modify the “Start Date” or “End Date.” They are not used.
Set all other filters to “Select All.”
Claims Detail (Required)
Important Notes:
Use “Claims created Date” and set the dates to a range covering the past five years.
Set all other filters to “Select All.”
Activity Detail (Optional)
Important Notes:
For “Activity Type,” select only “Note” and “Task.”
For “Label Contains,” enter “Referred by.”
Use “Date Modified” and set the dates to a range covering the past five years.
Set all other filters to “Select All.”
Final Check
Has each report above been (1) manually exported and emailed to Fuse with a 5-year range (Baseline Sync) and (2) scheduled to run nightly with a 12-month range (Ongoing Sync)? Congratulations! Your setup is complete!
Related Help Articles
Check out these related help articles to learn more about your EZLynx integration: