How is data is mapped from Xanatek to Fuse? How does Fuse choose a primary contact and map names and emails?
With Xanatek, like any other system we integrate with, all of your data is available "as-is" from your system. But we also map the data to our schema to unlock more power and consistency.
This article will give you an overview of the data we get and how it relates to the screens in Xanatek.
Primary Contact Selection & Important Primary Contact Values
Xanatek's "Primary Contact" info will be used as the Primary Contact in Fuse. From that contact, this is how Fuse maps some of the most important fields:
(Xanatek Field = Fuse Field)
Display As = Name
First = First Name
Last = Last Name
Company = Company Name
Primary Email Address (the email with a star in Xanatek) = Email
Manual Mapping for Policy Client Types
Fuse offers an optional manual mapping override feature within the Xanatek integration. This feature allows you to manually map specific policy types to the correct client type, ensuring that each policy is appropriately categorized as "Personal" or "Commercial," regardless of the account-level designation.
Steps to Use Manual Mapping:
Navigate to the Xanatek List Setup Page in Fuse
Show Optional Configuration:
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Show optional configuration" to expand additional settings.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Show optional configuration" to expand additional settings.
Select "Map Policy Client Type":
- Locate the "Map Policy Client Type" option within the expanded settings.
- Locate the "Map Policy Client Type" option within the expanded settings.
Add a New Mapping:
- Click "ADD +" to create a new policy client type mapping.
- Click "ADD +" to create a new policy client type mapping.
Choose Policy Line Code and Client Type:
- From the dropdown menu, select the specific Policy Line Code that you wish to map.
- Assign the appropriate Client Type ("Personal" or "Commercial") to the selected Policy Line Code.
Save and Apply Changes:
- Click "SAVE & APPLY CHANGES" to implement the new mapping configuration.
Other Data Mapping
The data itself is mapped according to this Spreadsheet.

The screens the data comes from are available below.