If I have customers in my system multiple times with the same email, will they get multiple messages?
No. When sending an email blast, we will analyze the list of targeted email addresses and only send one message per email address. In other words, we eliminate duplicates to save you any embarrassment.
Email Broadcast Tutorial
Occasionally, you may want to send out a quick manual message to a group of clients. Situations include unexpected office closures, a change in office hours, a natural disaster, etc.
You can quickly and easily create this message without creating a new campaign. We recommend you not create a campaign for a one-time email broadcast or announcement.
To create an email broadcast, first, navigate to Marketing>>Broadcasts:
On the bottom-right corner, click the arrow icon>>Send Email:
Step 1: Start Email from Scratch or Browse Message Library
You can then either "Start from Scratch" or "Browse Message Library." Don't worry; if you change your mind, you can easily select to use the "Message Library" (this button is located on the top of your screen.)
Step 2: Edit Email
Here is an overview of the items within the email that you can edit:
Email Sender: Here, you can select the sender of the email. Your options are Account Rep, Producer, or you can choose a Specific Employee
Email Recipient: This is where you select the recipient of the specific audience (for example, primary contact, secondary contact, etc.) Click here to learn more about choosing email recipients
Subject Line: This is the subject line of your email
Email Body: This is the body of your email
Step 3: Choose Audience
After you compose your email, it is time to select your audience. Click on "Choose Audience" located in the upper-right hand corner to get started:
You have different options to select from here. (Note: If you started from the accounts view and selected a segment, this step will already be completed.)
Specific People: Select the specific people you would like to send your email to
All Active Customers: This will target every active account on your list
Common Audiences: Select this option if you’d like to use common audiences
Custom: Use this option to create your segment
Step 4: Choose Send Date
Now that your email is composed and the audience is selected, it is time to title your message and send it! The message title you enter here is not the subject line of your email but rather a broad description that only your company will see in Fuse. In the below example, we have called it 'Twin Bulls Fire Update'.
After you have entered a message title, you have the following options:
Save for Later: Your email will be saved in the 'Draft' area
Save and Close: Your email will be saved in the 'Draft' area
Schedule Later: You can schedule a future date that you would like the email to send on. Your email will appear in the "Scheduled" items in your Broadcast menu
Send It Now: The email will immediately send to your audience
Note: Once you leave this page, you can navigate back here by going to Marketing>>Broadcasts.