Page Overview - Accounts

Want to learn more about the Accounts Page? Here is an overview!

Accounts Page Overview

Welcome to the home screen of your Account Page in Agency Revolution:

On the upper-right corner of your screen, you will see your account name followed by four icons:

  • The gear icon is where you will find your company information. You can set your main company name, address, and contact information along with setting your local timezone as well as add users to the system.

  • The bell icon is for important notifications or things in your system that need your attention. A 'red' number will show up next to the bell letting you know how may items need your attention:

  • Use the "?" icon to ask for help about a specific page or to access our Help Center Library.

  • The square chat bubble icon is our "In-App" chat. Click on this icon to open a new chat window. We will do our best to respond to you as quickly as possible. If we are on another call or away from our desks, it may take up to 24 hours.

Across the top, you will see the main system navigation. Here it will tell you which list you are working in (in this case, AMS360), and on the right-hand side you can search for a contact, send a message, or manage your lists:

Viewing and Creating Segments

On the left side of your screen you will see a list of your current segments as well as the ability to create a new segment by clicking the "+ Add Segment" button:

As you create segments, we suggest naming the segment exactly what the segment represents. For example, "Active Customers" could be one segment, and "Active with Emails" could be a different segment.

On the right side of your screen you will see a list of names, emails, addresses, and client types from your chosen segment:

Click on a name in the name column to discover more details about a specific account.

Need additional help? Remember to click on the 'In-App' chat icon in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. Our support team would be happy to assist!