Find out how your BOP clients have changed with this form-based campaign that kickstarts the review process. The content in this campaign is targeted at business owners, which is what sets this campaign apart from the Account Review: Commercial Campaign. If you are also running that campaign, you will need to customize it as well to avoid sending your BOP customers the same information twice.
Important Steps Before Launching This Campaign
Set up the Audience
Go into the Account Review: BOP sequence and click the name of the segment under "Your Audience"
On the segment screen, click to edit the segment rule where the Policy Type is defined.
Click the dropdown to see all the available policy types from your own dataset. If you have a different variation of the name for BOP policies in Fuse, you can find and select it here. If different BOP policies have different descriptions (for example, if some are listed as "BOP" and some others are listed as "Business Owners Policy") you can select multiple descriptions.
Click OK to save the rule.
If you made a change, before you continue, click Accounts on the left-side menu to leave the segment. A message will pop up offering to "Sync Segment with Sequences." Click "Update" to apply your new segment rules to the campaign.
Make sure your BOP account review campaign segment is targeting the correct Policy Type
Exclude those policies from the existing Account Review: Commercial campaign (if applicable)
If you are also running the Account Review: Commercial, you will need to exclude your BOP customers from that campaign.
Go into the Account Review: Commercial campaign
Choose “View/Edit” on the “Commercial Account Review” sequence

Exclude customers with that same policy type you selected above from your general commercial account review campaign by selecting the segment and modifying it to policies that do NOT contain the policy target you used in the first step on your new targeted campaign.

Review the timing of the steps in the sequence
Modify if desired (consider how these messages may overlap with other campaigns that the same customer may be in)