How to Set Up Google Analytics

Start tracking website activity for free!

We highly recommend adding Google Analytics to your Forge website. This will help track website traffic and other metrics so that we can see how the website performs over time.

A step-by-step guide.

Google Analytics is free to set up and use. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1. Visit and do one of the following:

To sign in to your existing Google Analytics account, enter the email address and password associated with the account. Proceed to Step 3 below.

Note: You may already be signed in if you’re using Gmail or other Google products.

– or –

To create a new Google Analytics account, click Set up for free and proceed to Step 2 below.

Step 2. Create your Google Analytics account.

1. Type the name of your agency into the Account name field.

2. Leave all the boxes checked, as recommended by Google.

3. Click Next.

4. Type the full name of your agency into the Property name field.

5. Set your Reporting time zone and Currency.

6. Click Next.

Follow the next three prompts from Google, and do the following:

7. Describe your Business.

8. Choose your Business Objectives.

9. Read through and accept Google’s Terms of Service.

Next, choose how Google Analytics will collect data for this property.

10. In the step “Start Collecting Data” choose Web Property.

Set up your data stream.

11. Add your Forge site’s website URL.

12. Use your agency’s full name as the Stream Name.

13. Adjust additional settings according to your preferences. These can also be left as the defaults, and revisited by your agency at a later date.

14. Click Create Stream.

A window displaying your newly created GA4 Property Details will automatically appear.

15. Click View Tag Instructions.

Methods for installing your newly created GA4 tag will appear.

16. Click Install Manually.

17. Copy the code within the Install Manually window.

18. Paste that code somewhere safe, as you will be providing this code to the Forge team.

19. Once you’ve saved that code, click out of the Installation Instructions box and the Web Stream Details box.

Complete setup.

20. Back in the “Start Collecting Data” screen, click Next.

21. Under the message “Data Collection is Pending” click Continue to Home.

Step 3. Find your GA4 Embed Code.

1. Sign in to your Google Analytics Dashboard.

2. Click the Admin gear in the lower left.

3. Navigate to the Property Column and select your GA4 Property.

4. Click Data Streams.

5. Click on the Data Stream.

6. Click View Tag Instructions.

7. Click Install Manually, and copy the full embed code.

8. Paste that code somewhere safe, as you will be providing this code to the Forge team.

Step 4. Send your Google Analytics tag to the Forge team.

1. Send an email to containing the Google Analytics tag you copied earlier. Include your Forge website URL in this email.

Note: Do not send this tag via the Dashboard Request Help window. For security purposes, the tag code will be stripped from your Request Help message.

You’re all set! The Forge team will receive an email notification that you have granted us permission to access your Google Analytics account, and we’ll take care of the rest!

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