Introduction to Video Proposals.
One of our favorite and most-used features on the Forge website platform is Video Proposals. This video creation tool is included within Forge and is a dynamic way to share valuable information with clients, prospects, and anyone else! While it has the word proposals in the name, it’s helpful for so much more. You can use Video Proposals to convey any type of information you have in an approachable, easy-to-digest manner. Get ready to impress because the wow factor is proven on this one!
Please note that Video Proposals is included with Forge Premium subscriptions.
The table of contents.
Here’s what we’ll cover throughout this resource on using Video Proposals on your Forge website.
What do Video Proposals look like?
You can record your screen, webcam, or both to create simple, yet polished videos that live right on your Forge website. After you download your video, you’re able to add it anywhere any other video could go. So whether you’re sending someone a link or adding the video to YouTube, you can do it all with Video Proposals.

What are the benefits of Video Proposals?
Producers love Video Proposals because they work. We hear that, on average, the use of Video Proposals can increase new business close ratios by as much as 15-20%!
In today’s busy world, it’s hard to get (and keep!) the attention of your clients and prospects. Video Proposals offer an innovative and easy way to convey information. Most people don’t want to read a long wall of text, and Video Proposals can reduce the length of your emails and other written messages.
An easy way to convey difficult information is through Video Proposals.
Video Proposals offer value.
Video Proposals offer the viewer the chance to see you and put a face to your name. You become a human rather than an email or a snippet of information. Being able to see your body language and facial expressions can go a long way towards helping build rapport and trust.
Video Proposals also draw people to your website, unlike other third-party apps. Because the videos you record will live on your Forge website, when you send a link to a client or prospect, that’s where the viewer will go. Once they’re done watching, they’ll be in the perfect place to look around and learn more about what makes your agency the perfect choice for their insurance needs.
Video Proposals bring visitors to your website.
It really works!
One of our clients, Derek from Shelbyville Insurance Services, shared a success story with us. His use of Video Proposals not only increased his close ratio, but he was also nominated for the Video in Business Awards! He said, “Using Video Proposals has massively increased my close ratio to 91%. This is the main reason for my success and nomination for the award. Thanks for building such a cool sales tool!”
Use Video Proposals during the sales process.
Share a proposal.
Use Video Proposals to walk clients through proposals, just as you would during an in-person meeting. You can explain coverages, pricing, and comparisons visually to enhance their understanding. A Video Proposal also allows you to draw the viewer’s attention right where you want it to go. And, if you’re working with multiple decision makers, recording one Video Proposal they can each view on their own time is a terrific way to send a consistent message.
Introduce yourself.
How many times have you called a new client or prospect to introduce yourself, say a few words about your agency, and let someone know about the personal touches and expertise you can bring to the table? One way to simplify this part of your sales process is to record one video that does all that and use it as part of an introduction email. This type of video can pack a tremendous punch, and the viewer will never know it wasn’t recorded just for them.
Thank new clients.
If you’ve recently closed a deal, you can also use a Video Proposal to thank your client for their business and introduce the team that will work on their account.
Think beyond proposals.
More than just a way to share proposals, Video Proposals can be used for just about any purpose where a video could come in handy.
Enhance social media.
Videos are very popular on social media. If you’re looking for an easy way to include new content on your social channels, recording and sharing Video Proposals is an effective way to accomplish that.
Show your humanity.
Create videos as part of a “Meet the Team” series, to wish followers a happy holiday, or to make an announcement about the agency. Really, the sky’s the limit with these!
Explain concepts.
In the insurance industry, there are plenty of topics that aren’t familiar to most people. Similarly, there’s a high use of jargon, such as deductible, coinsurance, peril, and the like. Consider using Video Proposals to make a set of videos that explain some of these more complex ideas and terms.
Jazz up communications.
Use video to traditional communication methods. Insert them into your monthly newsletter or email drip campaigns. You’ll grab people’s attention and stand out from the crowd.
Service clients.
Every member of your staff can use Video Proposals, including your customer service team. Sending a client a quick Video Proposal is an easy way to answer questions or provide information, and clients will appreciate that personal touch.
Create trainings.
Whether you need to create a full training for a new hire or you just want to show a colleague how to do something, record a Video Proposal for them. This can be a huge time saver, especially if you’ll need to repeat the lesson.
Build a library.
If you’re often asked the same types of questions, consider making informative videos to answer them. Add them to a video library where you can direct clients and prospects to learn more.
Create Video Proposals to share on social media or explain complex topics.
Using Video Proposals is easy.
The Video Proposals tool is incredibly easy to use, even if you have no prior experience with video apps. When you log in to Forge Dashboard on your website, you’ll find you already have everything you need to get started. You can easily view all of the Video Proposals you’ve created, and depending on your level of website access, you may be able to view Video Proposals created by others. There’s also an area to see how many Video Proposals each user has created and the number of times they’ve been viewed.
Once created, you can edit the title, notes, or password, download the video, and more. It’s all easy peasy, but if you get stuck, we’re always here to help!

Frequently asked questions.
We find that while people are getting started with Video Proposals, they tend to have many of the same questions. We’ve compiled some of the most common ones here.
- Should my video be password-protected?
- By default, your video will be password protected. This is helpful when you’re sending a proposal or other confidential information to a prospect or client. However, if you’d like to use Video Proposals to create explainer videos, introduction videos, or other content for social media, then you’ll want to remove that password before sharing.
- Can others on my team see my video library?
- Most people will only be able to see their own videos in the video library when logged into Forge Dashboard. The exception to this will be those members of your team who have greater access to the site as a whole in order to make changes. This is typically a marketing person or agency principal. All members of the Agency Revolution team can view all videos as well.
- Do I need any special equipment to use Video Proposals?
- One of the best things about Video Proposals is that fancy equipment is not required. The webcam and microphone on your computer will work just fine. You may want to use a headset with a microphone to cut down on some background noise, but it’s not necessary.
- How long should my video be?
- This really depends on what your video is for. If you’re sharing a proposal or explaining something to a client or prospect, take the time you need to convey your message, but try to stay under five minutes. Anything longer than that will probably cause you to lose your audience’s attention. If you’re making an educational video or creating content for social media, you won’t want to go longer than a minute or so. Of course, these aren’t hard and fast rules, so if you do go a little over, it’s probably not a big deal!
- Are fun backgrounds available?
- Video Proposals does not have a virtual background feature, so you’ll want to make sure you’re comfortable capturing whatever is behind you as you record.
- Can I edit my video?
- Limited editing is available that will allow you to cut off the beginning or end of the recording. However, you can’t edit out anything in the middle.
- I recorded a video, but now I can't find it. What should I do?
- After you’re finished with your video, you can find it in the Your Video Proposals tab on Forge Dashboard.
- How can I tell if my video has been watched?
- In Forge Dashboard, you’ll notice there is a tab called Your Video Proposals. Simply find the line for the video you want to check to see the number of times it has been viewed.
- How do I download my video proposal?
- If you want to download your Video Proposal for any reason, it’s easy! Once you’ve uploaded it to Forge, you’ll get a box that contains all the settings for your video, including a download link.
You can always go back to download your Video Proposal later by logging into Forge Dashboard, selecting Video Proposals from the Features menu, and clicking on the one you wish to download. A box will appear, and you’ll see the download link in the lower right corner.
- If you want to download your Video Proposal for any reason, it’s easy! Once you’ve uploaded it to Forge, you’ll get a box that contains all the settings for your video, including a download link.
Review these tips for success.
Though it can be intimidating at first to record yourself, we’ve found that most people, over time, get used to being on camera and even start to have fun with it. Be yourself, and if you stumble over your words, keep going just like you would during an in-person meeting. Look at your camera and not your screen so it looks like you’re making eye contact with the viewer. Try to keep the brightest light behind your computer so the video isn’t dark. And, finally, make sure there’s nothing in the background you don’t want others to see before you hit record.
It might take a little practice, but we think you’ll get the hang of it in no time. So, next time you have to communicate with someone, try using a Video Proposal!
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