Learn how to troubleshoot your connection between Xanatek and Fuse.
If you’re experiencing trouble with your sync between Xanatek and Fuse there are a few simple steps to take within Xanatek to help remedy the situation.
Note: If your connection between Xanatek and Fuse is only partly disrupted, meaning you’re seeing some data updates in Fuse, but not all, please review this article to help troubleshoot.
If you are not seeing any data updated within Fuse, please follow the steps below.
Steps to Take Within Xanatek
Within Xanatek, navigate to “Admin” and then select “Agencies” from the left menu. Then, click on the “Third Party Settings” button located on the right side of the page.
A pop-up window will appear, where you should choose “Agency Revolution” as the “Third Parter Parnter.” Click “Edit.”
Check the “Send Files to Third Party” checkbox, and save your changes.
Double-check that the Private Key, Public Key, and Service URL entered in Xanatek all match with the values provided on your integration setup page in Fuse.
Finally, initiate the sync by selecting “Sync” in the top bar of the pop-up window.
Reaching Out to Agency Revolution
Once you’ve initiated the sync within Xanatek, please reach out to Agency Revolution via email, letting us know that the sync is in progress. We will review your Fuse settings and confirm all is well.
To contact AR, please email team@agencyrevolution.com.